In keeping with the drought contingency ordinance, watering restrictions were relaxed today to allow watering twice weekly, although City Council members urged citizens to be mindful of and conservative with their water use.
The City Council approved the move to a standard conservation level, noting it had erred in not doing so last month. The drought contingency ordinance calls for standard conservation measures, including twice-a-week watering, when San Angelo has more than 24 months of available water supply.

Water Utilities Director Ricky Dickson reported Tuesday the city has slightly more than 30 months of surface water supply. That does not include the Hickory Aquifer, which is scheduled to come online this fall.

Watering remains prohibited between noon and 6 p.m. Runoff of more than 150 feet down any street, gutter, alley or ditch is also prohibited. Violations can be reported by calling 325-277-8609, emailing or visiting

New landscapes may be watered three times per day at any time of day up to 14 days after planting, and twice daily at any time of day 15 to 28 days after planting. Prior written notification of the more frequent watering must be given to the Code Compliance Division, which enforces the drought ordinance.

Previously, the City Council had, by resolution, allowed watering once per week. Under the ordinance, that restriction takes effect when the City has less than 24 months and more than 18 months of available water supply.

The City Council directed the Water Utilities staff to bring it possible changes to drought restrictions and water rates, and costs for a water rate study.

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