We're half way through the work week and these listeners are turning a year older today!  Happy Birthday to: 

Beverly Hudson, 16, from Aunt Melissa. 

Jadden Mack, 6, from Mom, Dad, Grandpa & Grandma Cortez, Aunt Juanita and all the family. 

Trinity Pfluger, 8, from all the Cooks, Michael, Trica, Max and Eli. 

Celia Ruiz, 49, from Linda and the gang at Rio Vista. 

Wanda Gully, 50, from her four sisters and the rest of the family. 

Julie Schkade, 26, from her co-workers.  Julie gets the birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage. 

No wedding anniversaries to report. 

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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