It's April 16th and we kick off the second half of the month with a big list of Listeners celebrating Today.  Happy Birthday to:

Betty McKnight, 76, from Renee, Richard, Roy and Landy.

Michelle Kennedy, 23, from Yolanda, Rosa, Jeremy, Jason and Summer.

Isabella Salcido, 6, from Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Angel.

Jeanie Elder, from her husband, James.

Chris Hall, 40 something, from All the Torres family.

Robert Delaney, 32, from Mom.

Patsy Dela Garza, old enough, from Nati.

Michael Garcia, 21, from Jaycie.

Gracie Gonzales, 50 plus, from her daughter Daisy.

Beverly Hightower, (Mrs. Catfish), old enough, from Catfish.

Natalie Treadaway, 8, from Mom, Dad, Nathan and Sydney.  Natalie wins our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

No wedding anniversaries to report.


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