A WARM Salute on a Cold day for these Listeners celebrating on February 5th!  Happy belated Birthday (2-4) to:

Kari Reeves, 20 something, from her co-workers at Reeves Rehab Safety.

Happy Birthday Today to:

Lacy Leonard, 17, from Mom, Ernie and Aaron.

flickr - from exfordy
flickr - from exfordy

Hannah Kalina, 15, from Clyde, Amy, Connor and Cambry.

Tamer Arranaga, 40 plus, from her older sister, Shelley.

Mary Jane Martinez, 51, from her daughters, Angelina and Paula also her 2 grandchildren.

William Wilson, 89, from All his family.

Mary Hayes-Wunderal, 94, from her son, John.  Mary is today's winner of a birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

No wedding anniversaries to report.

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