It's July 31st and we wrap up this month by saluting these Listeners.

flickr- Dark Dwarf
flickr- Dark Dwarf

Happy belated Birthday to:

Valera Canoy, 55 on 7-29, from Niki and C.J.

Happy Birthday Today to:

Connie Carter, 29 and holding.

Layne Lubke, 13, from Mom and Dad.

Keeley Catron, 16.

Alissia Therique, 15, from Aunt Niki and Uncle C.J.

Kimberly Hill, over 30, from her husband, Kenny.  Kimberly wins the birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

No wedding anniversaries to report.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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