Business is Great!  Lot's of names on our list Today!

flickr - from wfabry
flickr - from wfabry

Becky Strube, 38, from her husband, Courtney.

Butch Wood, 43, from his wife, Becky and their 3 sons.

David Gonzales, 49, from Amanda, Angela and the rest of the family.

Edward Martin, 40, from Mom and the rest of the family.

(Twins) Hailey & Whitney Edinburgh, 8, from their older sisters, Avery and Chole.

Dorothy Ranstadler, 12, from Dad.

J.R. Barickman, 67, from Glenda Mathews.

Pete Madrid, 40 something, from all his fellow employees at the City's M.P.O. office.

Melvin Wisdom, old enough, from all his family.

Renee Hucks, old enough.

Macy Schwartz, 21, from everyone at the Stock Show and Rodeo office.  Macy wins our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

No anniversaries to report today.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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