This weekend we Salute our Listeners turning a year older.

flickr - from miggslives
flickr - from miggslives

Saturday 6-15

Happy Birthday to:

Orlando Cortez, 51, from his wife, Mary Grace, along with the Murphy, Mack and Cortez families.

Ray Zapata, old enough, from Carol and Camille.

Doug Pustka, 52, from Mom, Dad and his 2 daughters, Alex and Emily.

Kimberly Torres, 18, from Mom, Robert, Cynthia, Jose and the rest of the family.

Sunday 6-16

Happy Birthday to:

Todd Whittley, 53, from Rhonda.

Ashley Aguirre, 27, from Gilbert, Jana and Colten.

Roy Urias, 50 something, from Susie and Justin.

Weston Clark, 5, from Mom, Dad, Kennedy and Nanna.

Mitchell Scott, 23, from Mom and his sister.

No wedding anniversaries to report.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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