We're kicking off the work week with lots of listeners turning a year older today.  Happy Birthday to: 

Laura Ducote, old enough, from The Good Ol' Girls. 

Cheri Wanier, old enough, from Mom, Dad and her husband, Harvey. 

Mando Nunez, 55, from his wife, Sandy. 

Ben Davenport, 21, from Mom, Mark and his brother, J.R. 

Cassidy Davis, 15, from Mom, Dad, Max and Eli. 

Victor Terrazas, 77, from Noe. 

Gary Pustka, 50, from Mom, Dad, Alex, Doug and Emily. 

Summer Puente, 21, from her Aunt. 

(Twins) Dan & Roy Gaitan, 62.  They win our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage. 

No wedding anniversaries to report.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

flickr - from HannahWebb
flickr - from HannahWebb

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