Let's all kick off the work week by celebrating with these listeners.  Happy Birthday to: 

Brooke Hamilton, 27, from Mom, Richard, Kevin and the kids and Jeffrey. 

Joshua Rychlik, 18, from Mom, Dad and the rest of the family. 

Jabriel Santillan, 17, from his step mom, Marissa, Dad Jose, and his brothers and sisters. 

Christie Wolfe, 40, from Tricia, Michael, Max and Eli Cook. 

Cotton Wood, 2, from Mom, Dad and brothers, Tanner and Hunter.   Cotton is today's winner of the cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage. 

No Wedding Anniversaries to report. 

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form. 

flickr - from exfordy
flickr - from exfordy

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