Look's like better weather on the way for the weekend!  So, let's warm it up for our Listeners celebrating.

flickr - from BrownGuacamole
flickr - from BrownGuacamole

Friday (2-7)

Happy Birthday to:

Barbra Edwards, 67, from Logan.

Sylvia Dominguez, 60 plus, from her sister, Virginia.  Sylvia is today's winner of a birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Saturday (2-8)

Shane Knight, 11, from Mom, Grandma and Grandpa.

Veronica Ibarra, 30, from Becky and Miguel.

Sunday (2-9)

Adrianna Ibarra, 9, from Mom, sister, Lilianna, Aunt Becky and Miguel.

Haley Wall, 10, from Max and the rest of the Cook family.

Congratulations to Todd & Ronda Whittley, who celebrated their 30th anniversary Thursday.  They are this week's winners of a dozen roses from Southwest Florists.

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