We're wrapping up the week by saluting these Listeners.  Happy belated Birthday (7-4) to:

Noah Alaniz, 12, from Mom, Dad and brother Nate.

Happy Birthday Today to:

Carlos Ramirez, 18, from Mom, Dad and 2 brothers.

Nita Jo Harper, 32, from All her family.

Andrea Delaney, 30, from her Mother in-law.  Andrea wins

flickr - from BrownGuacamole
flickr - from BrownGuacamole

today's birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Congratulations to:

Mark & Linda Archipolo, who celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary back on Monday (7-1).  They are this week's  winners of a dozen roses from Southwest Florists.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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