T-G-I-F and Congratulations to the Listeners turning a year older Today!  Happy Birthday to:

Edna Troncoso, 50 something, from her husband, Armondo.

Toby Draper, 40, from Carol and Camille.

Robert Rios, 36, from Mom, and his 3 sisters.

flickr - from exfordy
flickr - from exfordy

Rosie Denton, 50 something, from Lonnie and Teresa.  Rosie is the winner today of our birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Congratulations to Tom & Annette Hopkins, who celebrated their 60th anniversary Thursday 6-13.  They are the winners of a dozen beautiful roses from this week from Southwest Florists.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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