A BIG Salute to all these listeners as we kick off the month of May!

flickr - from Will Clayton
flickr - from Will Clayton

Happy Birthday to:

Cate Williams, 12, from Nanna.

Renee Clark, 31, from Nanna.

Beeanca Bower, 19, from Grandma.

Justin Perrine, 21, from Mom and Dad.

Logan Briggs, 6, from Grammy and Paw-Paw.

Dominique Zapata, 6, from grammy and Paw-Paw.

Houston Wanier, 28, from Dad and Mom.

Johnny Gutierrez, 29, from Mom, Aunt Kathy, Aunt Tea and Cousin Julie.

Hilda Sewell, 58, from her sister, Delsina.

Melanie Benes, 50 something, from Mom.

Alyssa Sullivan, 10, from her Grandparents and the rest of the family.  Alyssa is the winner of our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to:

Alan & Roxy Doty, 20 some years from Roxy's sister, Jodi.  They will be in Friday morning's drawing for a dozen roses from Southwest Florists.


If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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