Check out the names of these listeners on our list today.  Happy Birthday to:

flickr - from Tobyotter
flickr - from Tobyotter

Yvonna Herrera, 14, from Mom, her sisters and brother.

Patti Pustka, 21, from Grandma and Grandpa Pustka, along with Doug, Alex and Emiley.

Clayton Hasty, 16, from Dad and Dawn.

Billie Boyer, 60 something, from Michael, Tricia, Eli and Max.

Lisa Allison, 45, from her husband, Ray and her brother, Buddy.  Lisa wins our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Happy Anniversary to:

Justin & Christina Rice, 2 years, from Justin's Mom.

Edward & Susie Dusek, 15 years, from all their family and friends in Wall.

Both couples will be in our drawing Friday morning for a dozen roses from Southwest Florists.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.


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