A Big Salute to our Listeners celebrating on August 20th.

flickr - from f_shields
flickr - from f_shields

Happy belated Birthday (8-19)) to:

Bill Blackburn, 61, from his wife Clara.

Happy Birthday Today to:

Clementine Urista, 50 something, from her niece, Elizabeth.

Peyton Coleman, 11, from Dad, Mom, Connie, Ya Ya and the rest of the family.

Cate Torrez, 40 something, from her husband, James and her son, Bren.

(Twins) Raymond & Cayla Robbins, 17, from Cathy.

Jamie Maddox, 41, from his sister, Erica.

Juanita Olvera, 28, from All her family.

Kenny Johnson, 57, from Vicki.  Kenny wins the birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to:

Mark & Nancy Robason, 31 years, from her sister, Karen.  They will be in our drawing Friday morning for a dozen roses from Southwest Florists.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.


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