Congratulations to all our listeners celebrating today and tomorrow.  Happy Birthday on July 3rd to:

Katie Loehman, 30 again, from her family.

Autunm Porras, 9, from Dad.

Courtney Strube, 39.

Sonny Sanders, 65, from his sister in-law.  Sonny is the winner today of the Halfmann Birthday Cake.

July 3rd Wedding Anniversaries.

Terry & Nancy Cook, 20 years.

Kenneth & Janet Wiley, 41 years.


Happy Birthday on July 4th, to these Yankee Doodle Dandy's.

Jimmy Keith, 9, from Dad, Mom and Sister.

Rene Rendon, 40 something, from his sister in-law, Mary.

Carman Ramirez, 80 something, her son Danny and his wife, Mary.

Cheree Fitzgerald, 50 plus, from her friends at Mr. D's.

Glen Malburger, old enough, from his friends in Miles.

Renee Burson, 58, from daughter Melissa and the grand kids.


There are no July 4th,  Wedding Anniversaries at this time.


If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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