We've made it to June 6th.  Let's Celebrate with these Listeners today!

flickr - from derekskey
flickr - from derekskey

Happy Birthday to:

Letiffany McCarthy, 25, from her Grandma and sister.

Karen Schwertener, 46, from her daughter, Angie.

Rudy Longoria, 50 plus, from Mark and Donna.

Billy Tims, 70, (A-Day Baby),  from all of the Good Ol' Girls.

Michael Cook, 51 from his wife, Tricia and sons, Max and Eli.

Brady Clawson, 16, from her Mom, Dad and Kelby.  Brady wins today's birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to:

Jerry & Betty Fountain, 22 years, from Patty.

Congratulations to Eddie & Nancy Hale, who celebrated their 54th anniversary (6-4).  They are this week's winners of a dozen beautiful roses from Southwest Florists.


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