October 18th, means we get to salute these Listeners on this Finally Friday!

flickr - from Dark Dwarf
flickr - from Dark Dwarf

Happy Birthday to:

Joshua Aaron Lopez, 2, from Mom, Dad and his 2 brothers.

Logan Webb, 19, from Mom.

Darlene Crabtree, 63, from All her friends.

Mike Walcott, 52, from his wife Thelma and his friend, Frank.

Donna Sloan, old enough, from her husband, Mark.

Diana Kirking, 60 something, from Jewel, Gregg, Liz and Braden.

Becky Williams, 40 something, from her 4 children and 2 grand children.  Becky wins today's birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to:

Trey & Dawn Hartsfield, 33, from their son, Brook.

Congratulations to Seth & Younghee Prather, who celebrated their 9th anniversary on 10-15.  They won this week's roses from Southwest Florists.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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