On this 7th day of May, we salute these listeners!

flickr - from dan taylor
flickr - from dan taylor

Happy Birthday to:

Alexis Banda, 11, from All of the Banda Clan.

Holly Hartsfield, 28, from her husband, Brooks.

Joshua Huckabee, 19, from Mom, Dad, his brother and sister.

Lara Allen, 30 something, from All her friends.

Hunter Tucker, 7, from Mom and Dad.

Charlie Powell, 82, from his wife Jo Anne.  Charlie is the winner of today's birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to:

Steven & Brittany Stober, 2 years.  They will be in our drawing Friday morning for a dozen roses from Southwest Florists.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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