Before we get to our list of listeners celebrating on July 2nd, you need to know what's special about today's date.  July 2nd, is "I Forgot Day".  A day set aside, to not remember.  What would you like to forget?  Can't remember?  Hopefully, its not important!  Please enjoy those "senior moments" today.

Some days are meant to be remembered and cherished throughout our lives.  Others, like today, are best forgotten.  Perhaps, if your having a bad day it's good that this is, I Forgot Day.  Hopefully your not getting married or having a baby today.

Some people have been known to use this day to express their regrets for forgetting something and to make amends.  They send cards or flowers as a way of apologizing for their memory lapse.

Just remember, if if you forget something important tomorrow, you'll have to wait a year for the next I Forgot Day to arrive.

Concho Valley birthdays today include:

Miley Alvarado, 6.  From Mom, Dad and her brothers.

Weston Haire, 23.  From Aunt Connie, Mom and the rest of the family.

Angela Vijil, 10.  From Mom, Dad and Grandma.

Carol Bennett, old enough.  From all her clogging friends.

Liz Shary, 50 something.  From Debbie.

Erica Hernandes, 20 something.  From Carol and the girls.  Erica wins our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

No wedding anniversaries to report.



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