It's July 26th, and we're into the final weekend of this month.  Before we check our list of listeners celebrating today, you should know it's also a day to honor a very special pair of relatives.

flickr - from BrownGuacamole
flickr - from BrownGuacamole

It's Aunt and Uncles Day!

You remember them, right?  They are your mom and dad's brothers and sisters.  Here's hoping you have lots of them, cause the more, the better.

They took care of you when mom and dad went out or were at work.  They joked and laughed loudly, at all family get-togethers and events.  You could talk to them about things that you couldn't talk about with your parents and you listened to their counsel and advice.  They often took you to fun places and events.  Their house was a great place for a sleepover, especially if cousins were involved.  They always came through with the best presents on Christmas, birthdays and other special occasions.  Those are only a few of the benefits of having Aunts and Uncles.

Today is your chance to pay them back!  Please spend some time with them today.  If you can't visit in person, how about a phone call or email?  Let them know how much you appreciate them on Aunt and Uncles Day.

Concho Valley birthdays include:

Sandy Anderson, 24.  From Mom, Dad and her younger sister, Michelle.

Linda Bell, 49.  From her husband, Mike.

Alexis Baise, 15.  From Mom and Dad.

Alexis Lopez, 6.  From Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad and sister Day-zee.

Kari Tue, 50.  From Connie.

Randy Rangle, 26.  From his wife, Victoria and son, Carlos.

No wedding anniversaries to report.

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