Best wishes to you, if you are celebrating today.  48 years ago today, country artist Eddy Arnold, music publisher Jim Denny, Grand Ole Opry founder, George D. Hay and Opry performer Uncle Dave Macon were inducted into the Country Music Hall Of Fame.  The ceremony aired on ABC-TV's "The Jimmy Dean Show".  It's National Color Day!

from Thinkstock Images
from Thinkstock Images

This day was created to remind us how colors can influence our mood, productivity and even our behavior in everyday life.

Throughout time, color has been used to create feelings of coziness or spaciousness.  How people are affected by different colors varies from person to person.

Each color can carry a specific meaning.  For example here are some of the perceived meanings of different colors.

Red:  Strength - Excitement - Love

White:  Purity - Happiness

Blue:  High Quality - Corporate

Green:  Envy - Relaxation - Good Taste

Yellow:  Happiness - Competence

Brown:  Ruggedness

Black:  Fear - Grief

Violet/Purple:  Power - Authority

Pink:  Sincerity - Sophistication

Happy National Color Day!

Now Let's P-A-R-T-Y!!!

from Ruth Black
from Ruth Black

Concho Valley birthdays include:

Happy belated Birthday (10-21) to:

Ruth Wilburn, 62.  From Fred.

Happy Birthday Today to:

Ethan Rankin, 18. From Memaw.

Mary Kendall, 51.  From All the girls at the All American Dodge Store.  Mary wins our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.   

No anniversaries to report.





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