Here's our list of listeners celebrating here on August 25th, plus a special salute today to a concoction that has stood the test of time.

flickr - from f_shields
flickr - from f_shields

It's National Whiskey Sour Day!

The first mention of this popular drink goes back to 1870 in an article published in a Wisconsin newspaper.

The traditional whiskey sour, is garnished with half an orange and maraschino cherry.  The mixed drink is made up of whiskey (usually Bourbon), lemon juice and sugar.  You then, shake well and serve it up straight or over ice.

To make a Boston Sour, just add a dash of egg white to that recipe.

Another variation is called, the Ward 8.  For it, you may use either Bourbon or rye whiskey along with both lemon and orange juices, plus grenadine syrup to sweeten.  Everything else remains the same.

Hopefully, this information will be enough to get you started on this special occasion.

A couple more things, Please Drink Responsibly, and  Never Drink and Drive!  That way you should have a happy and safe National Whiskey Sour Day!

Concho Valley birthdays include:

Ethan Rivera, 10.  From Mom, Dad and brother, Jay.

Liz Cuellar, 40 something.  From Ann.

Robert Sedden, 60.  From all his family.

Xavier Martinez, 11.  From Dad.

Mary Lovell, old enough.  From her husband, Chuck and all her friends.

Rick Morrow, old enough.  From the entire staff at Holiday Cleaners.  Rick wins our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.


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