If this is your birthday, congratulations! You are in good company, because this is also the birthday of country "superstar", Blake Shelton, born in Ada, Oklahoma, in 1976. Beginning with his 2001 debut, "Austin," he mixes ballads and party anthems with biting personal humor on his way to multiple wins as Male Vocalist of the Year and a regular role on the NBC series "The Voice". Happy 39th, Blake!

This Is Go Fishing Day!

Creatas Images
Creatas Images

Why do we celebrate this day on June 18th? It could be because, the first American fly-casting tournament was held in Utica, NY. on this day in 1861. Regardless, it's a day to go out and bring home a healthy, tasty, meal for the family. Even better, if you can take the family along with you. Kids especially,  would love to be a part of the celebration.

Whether your on the shore or in a boat, with a fishing pole in one hand, and your favorite beverage in the other, just don't go home until you have caught your limit!

Now Let's P-A-R-T-Y!

Catherine Yeulet
Catherine Yeulet

Concho Valley birthdays include: 

Easton Samaniego, 5. From Mom, Dad and brother, Luke.

Suzy Bustetter, 50 something. From her good friend, Renee and Goldie.

Tim Mack, 35. From Angelia, Jaddin and Leilanie.

Moncia Way, 40 something. From Tricia.

Cody Johnson, 8. From Max and Eli.

Michele De Russo, old enough. From Tricia.

Shane Sanders, 45. From Mom and The Cook family. Shane wins today's birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage. 

No wedding anniversaries to report.

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