Coming up, a salute to our listeners celebrating here on July 11th, but first, you have a chance to make a difference in someone's life on this special day.

flickr - from Iain Farrell
flickr - from Iain Farrell

It's Cheer Up The Lonely Day.

Do a good deed today by making a lonely person happy. It's a great thing to do and something you can feel proud about doing.  Best of all, it's very easy to do.

These people have few friends or loved ones.  Perhaps they have lost loved ones recently. They may be elderly and see other people only on an infrequent basis.

Pay them a visit and just spend some time with them today.  Make sure you bring up happy things to talk about.  Keep everything upbeat and positive in your conversation.  When its time to leave, give them a big hug and let them know how much you enjoyed the visit.

Change a lonely person's life today by cheering them up.  I'll bet it will make you feel good   as well.

Concho Valley birthdays include:

Santo Villarreal, 19.  From Mom, sister, Karen, brother, Jaylin and niece, Anahi.

Valerie Robeles, 51.  From her friend and co-worker, Monica.  Valerie wins today's birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

Congratulations to:

Tracy & Kim Kelly, who celebrated their 25th anniversary on July 8th.  They are this week's winners of a dozen beautiful roses from Southwest Florists.


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